It takes courage to grow up & become who you really are

*Profile: RH

-That's me
Always SmilingOptimisticliving it up

The Indefatigable Soul :)

<3 Purple Music Food & LIFE !

Friends are like the sun, they brighten up your life

  • Angela
  • Emmerlyn
  • Michelle
  • Nicole
  • String Ensemble
  • Whimsy
  • One-Niners!
  • Two-Niners!

  • Journey of Life :D

    17 years young
    and Loving Life

    Listen and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us

    My Friends Are AWESOME!!!
    Time Flies. Hold on to the Memories

    MakeOver Games
    ~The Colours of My Memories~

    Template originally by hasta_maana
    images: HitzeDochDeluuxe Astrogeria aqualiova Loveless51 sallylover99

    Dancing through Life
    Sunday, December 29, 2013 || 7:47 AM

    Can't believe that it has been a year has gone by so soon. Feel as if it has been just yesterday.

    Been dancing through 2013 in such bliss~ it's been a great year for me, fresh start, a clean slate for new beginnings and experiences. I think I really grew as a person throughout the past year, having had the chance to work at IMH. I feel really blessed that I have my family to look after me and be with me during times of troubles and it really hit home during my time at IMH.

    A new beginning at university after  two very eventful years. Surprisingly in retrospect, I feel so much more at accepting about my past two years and grateful even for the chance to experience it. Maybe because the experiences has really shaped me into the ME I am now. Tsk typical cliché thing to say from me. Anyway, 2013 brought about new friends and in fact someone special :) Really glad for all my choices that actually brought us together. I mean the probability is like one in a gazillion - serious! (for all my flicker-mindedness and running about like a headless chicken with decision making on where to go) Feeling really blessed and in a happy hum-dum right now.

    So 2014 is just in two days- time for the new year's resolutions which I rarely make and never really follow anyway, (I like spontaneous, oh whimsical me) but just for tradition sake. Probably to continue to be as optimistic as I have / will ever be and treasure and appreciate the things that I have. Hopefully 2014 will be as memorable as 2013, with all its up and downs and whatnots.  Toss in learn to swim and start keeping fit into the agenda, and try my best to find my way in this endless maze of the journey of life. And to my special someone, Happy New Year and hope to have a blessed year with you :)

    ~Yet another chapter to close - but a fresh one awaits-