It takes courage to grow up & become who you really are

*Profile: RH

-That's me
Always SmilingOptimisticliving it up

The Indefatigable Soul :)

<3 Purple Music Food & LIFE !

Friends are like the sun, they brighten up your life

  • Angela
  • Emmerlyn
  • Michelle
  • Nicole
  • String Ensemble
  • Whimsy
  • One-Niners!
  • Two-Niners!

  • Journey of Life :D

    17 years young
    and Loving Life

    Listen and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us

    My Friends Are AWESOME!!!
    Time Flies. Hold on to the Memories

    MakeOver Games
    ~The Colours of My Memories~

    Template originally by hasta_maana
    images: HitzeDochDeluuxe Astrogeria aqualiova Loveless51 sallylover99

    Chasing the very last train when its too late, too late
    Tuesday, May 31, 2011 || 9:30 PM

    Sigh, I miss my last train home last night

    oh well... There is always a first

    Feeling Blues
    Monday, May 30, 2011 || 6:35 PM

    Woken up and feeling completely .... Oh, I can't describe it. Terribly moody. Shall use blue today

    Don't I wish that there is more then 31 days in may and more than 31 days in June? Then my holidays will probably be longer. Hahas, who knows, maybe I might just study a little bit more if only its so. *if only*

    Well well well, I really can't be bothered. I need to rant and I have to do it soon!!! It is so annoying. Annoying project work. Ain't I screwed??? Don't companies have a heart at all??? Desperate for an answer to enquires on just a SINGLE question which will just practically help us tonnes in PW and they simple ignore it. Where is the humanity in that??? It is just simply a SINGLE question!!! How hard is that??? Honestly?

    There. Feeling better now. Stupid Company. I am never going to Charles & Keith ever again
    Sigh, that's an exaggeration, I have never been to Charles & Keith ever
    Maybe when I kinda forget about it and don't screwed my PW will I even go there in the future.

    Time to visit my lala land!
    Sunday, May 29, 2011 || 4:39 AM

    Hahas, yippeeee!!! Holidays

    I shall ignore the huge pile of homework and play my hearts out!!!
    and go on a photo-spree ....... ******oh man!!! my kingdom is scattered!!!!*******

    Finally, I have a life
    Just finish reading a book!!! Yes I know, notice the singular didn't you??? Well, it's still an accomplishment :D Bleeding violet is such an interesting book. Well, I probably would find it interesting since people seems to think that I have bipolar disorder and just a step more to woodbridge. Well, on the bright side, I am not hallucinating yet. Or am I?

    At times, life seems like a huge paradox, the irony of things are such a paradigm. What we ought not to do we often do, even when we know it shouldn't be so. What we ought to do we rarely do.
    Just read the paradox of life and I can't help but feel guilty. Not doing homework, slacking my time away and many other stuffs.

    Problem is I just can't seem to help it. If i eat too much, weelll, blame me for not putting on enough weight
    If I slack too much..... hmmm.... what can I do??? ***I need my queen to come and give me a huge kick*** Maybe that would be enough to cure me of my laziness

    Speaking of which, Chamber concert is coming. Brings back bittersweet memories of times in TKGSSE. I felt a bit wistful when I heard RJCO play Schindler's List. Guess this just means a trip back in time soon!!!

    Reminiscing with this song now... Hear my mum played it in some time back.

    Did lovers really fall in love to stay
    And stand beside each other, come what may
    Was a promise really something people kept
    Not just something they would say
    Did families really bow their heads to pray
    Did daddies really never go away
    Woah oh, grandpa, tell me 'bout the good old days

    Grandpa, everything is changing fast
    We call it progress, but I just don't know
    And grandpa, Let's wander back into the past
    And paint me the picture of long ago

    Did lovers really fall in love to stay
    And stand beside each other come what may
    Was a promise really something people kept
    Not just something they would say and then forget
    Did families really bow their heads to pray
    Did daddies really never go away
    Woah oh, grandpa, tell me 'bout the good old days
    Woah oh, grandpa, tell me 'bout the good old days

    Mhmm, mhmm, mhmmm, mhmm, mhmm,
    mhmm mhmm

    Mhmm, mhmm, mhmmm, mhmm, mhmm,
    mhmm mhmm

    Did families really bow their heads to pray?
    Did daddies really never go away?

    School Holidays
    Friday, May 27, 2011 || 6:49 AM

    YES!!!!!!!! HOLIDAYS ARE HERE!!!
    It's my favourite time of year!!!

    Hahas, finally the time has come for enjoyment and relaxation XD

    hahas, extremely high now, feel like I'm on top of the world, literally XD hahas

    Guess it ended off on a high note after all. Chamber concert's coming up, can't wait, excited in playing for a concert again after so long... hahas, hope I won't screw up

    My friends just told me the other day how I look like a Korean. Sigh, when is it going to happen, to have someone just tell me that I look Singaporean? My list of nationalities is indeed increasing... I am left with just 2-3 continents now. Lolz... well, I give up, I shall admit I look international. Oh weellllll.... woes is me :(

    Well, I feel kinda scared now. It is the fear of the unknown. Knowing what I am going to face soon, I have no idea what to expect. I am never a masochist so there is a slight fear of that and off course many many things to worry about. Trying not to think about it even thought it is not working :(
    oh well, know that they say, it isn't work that kills man, it's worries. I shall stop worrying so much or I am going to go prematurely grey. Just pulled out a strand of white hair the other day (oh the horror). Hmmm... easier said then done though. Present fears are less than horrible imaginings. PLeaes please please let it be true..........................

    Hope I can do a Great Piece for GP tomorrow
    Tuesday, May 24, 2011 || 5:23 AM

    Can't believe I am actually blogging now. Come on girl, where is your sense of responsibility??? Your mugginess (do I even have one to start off with? hope so, since I do a lot of last minute Buddha foot hugging) ???

    Oh well, there it goes, down the drain XD Opps

    Hahas, jokes aside, I really really really really think I am going to fail GP, considering that I have been out of touch with the English Language for so long... months and months, feels like aeons ago. Felt like it was just yesterday when I COULD write some stuff randomly and still have it make sense. Oh well, what goes up, must come down :) The peaking during O level is long and far gone. :D

    Hmmm.... I think panacea of all my problems is simply START READING BOOKS!!! Sounds simple? Apparently not, not when I can't even find time to go get books *or download for that matter* For all the love of the world, what wouldn't I not give to just have a decent book to read for once now after being deprived of it for so long? Not much

    Studies aside, planning what I want to do during the hols. Four weeks, sounds long eh? Well I don't count on it. Time apparently flies when you are enjoying and creeps when you aren't.
    Hmmm.... going to go visit all the old hideouts and haunts just to revive the good old times.
    Boy, makes me sound so old, and I am barely 17 yet. Hmmm... 17.... hahas, I remember thinking that 18 is a hard age to reach when I was in sec 1. Now, tada, look how far we have all come?

    Together we will run to somewhere new
    Somewhere we will make our dreams come true
    Doesn't matter what might come our way
    I know we will make it there someday
    Together we will tell our story
    Share our glory
    Till the end of time
    So we will light a fire
    Reach up higher
    We will make it though
    Together we will

    (Batch Song 2011 :D)

    Yeah!!! Let's do it * okay, hope I am motivated enough to not fall asleep will studying*

    Mug? Don't Mug? Mug? Don't Mug?
    Saturday, May 21, 2011 || 8:07 PM

    GOodness me! I have to start bucking up! Argh, GP CT is in 3 days time!!! I can't even being to phantom how on earth am I suppose to pass any CT at all, especially with me being such a lazy bump. Oh well, who cares XD cause:

    hahahas, yeah yeah, I know I know, I am self comforting myself XD Really, I can't wait for June Hols. I am already like planning a list of stuffs to do, where to go etc etc XD Let's look at the bright side of things!!! Hols is near!!! YIPPEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Starting Afresh
    || 4:37 AM

    Finally decided to revive my blog.

    Guess it is about time too...

    Feel great about posting in her after so long. Like a lost memories buried deep deep within, only to be found again like a timeless treasure.

    What can I say? I am missing lots of thing right now in my life right now. So posting here kind of give me some sense of nostalgia too but in some way or another, I feel as if thing were back to how it was a few years back... life was just so simple and carefree.

    Well, for all the nostalgia, like they say, the best things in life comes in three, Friends, Dreams and Memories. I too shall indulge in all things in all the other aspect!

    Hahas, guess my life has change a lot. Sure change is the only constant but I never expected it to be so much in such a short period of time. Guess I am about to agree with Darwin now XD It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. Hahas, well hope I survive then. All the homework look like nightmare waiting to start and guess it just ain't helpful when I keep falling asleep in Lectures and tutorials. Woe is me indeed. Never knew it was this hard not to sleep in class :(

    Hahas, yes I know, I am in need of some life now... plans for now- LET'S GO T3 & CRASH ANGELA'S HOUSE!!!!!! I AM IN DESPERATION FOR SOME RANDOMNESS(NO ENTROPY PLEASE) AND CRAPPY-NESS!!!

    yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shalt be ready to face anything!!!
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